Guide to customizing the voice of the Empathic Voice Interface (EVI).

The Empathic Voice Interface (EVI) can be configured with any of our 7 base voices. You can also customize these voices by adjusting specific attributes. This guide explains each attribute and provides a tutorial for creating a custom voice. Visit the Playground to test the base voices.

The custom voices feature is experimental and under active development. Regular updates will focus on improving stability and expanding attribute options.

Voice attributes

The following attributes can be modified to personalize any of the base voices:

GenderThe vocalization of gender, ranging between masculine and feminine.
HuskinessThe texture of the voice, ranging between bright and husky.
NasalityThe openness of the voice, ranging between resonant and nasal.
PitchThe frequency of the voice, ranging between low and high.

Each voice attribute can be adjusted relative to the base voice’s characteristics. Values for gender, huskiness, nasality, and pitch range from -100 to 100, with 0 as the default. Setting all attributes to their default values will keep the base voice unchanged.

Crafting custom voices

See instructions below for customizing a voice through the Portal.


Create a new custom voice

Enter a name for your custom voice and select a base voice. Then, adjust the attributes.

Create voice menu with voice attribute options, step 2 of EVI custom voice creation

Test your custom voice

As you make tweaks to the attributes, sample audio can be generated by clicking the ”▶” button in the Voice sample section at the bottom of the form.

Testing a custom voice with audio playback, step 3 of EVI custom voice creation

Use your custom voice

The newly created voice can now be deployed. From the Voices page, click Use to create an EVI configuration with it.

Accessing a custom voice for use with an EVI, step 4 of EVI custom voice creation
Successful voice creation

When creating an EVI configuration, choose Custom voice and press the + Select button. Then, press Select existing custom voice… and confirm the custom voice you would like to use.

Selecting a custom voice in an EVI configuration
Selecting a custom voice in an EVI configuration