

Configuration errors

Configuration errors indicate that something about the API call was not configured correctly. The error message you get from the Hume APIs will often contain more information than we’re able to provide on this page. For example if an audio file is too long, the error message from the API will specify the limit as well as the length of the audio received.

Error CodeDescription
E0100The WebSocket request could not be parsed as valid JSON. The Hume API requires JSON serializable payloads.
E0101You may be missing or improperly formatting a required field. This generic error indicates that the structure of your WebSocket request was invalid. Please see the error message you received in the API response for more details.
E0102The requested model was incompatible with the file format received. Some models are not compatible with every file type. For example, no facial expressions will be detected in a text file. Audio can be extracted out of some video files, but if the video has no audio, then models like Speech Prosody and Vocal Burst will not be available.
E0200Media provided could not be parsed into a known file format. Hume APIs support a wide range of file formats and media types including audio, video, image, text, but not all formats are supported. If you receive this error and believe your file type should be supported please reach out to our support team.
E0201Media could not be decoded as a Base64 encoded string. The data field in the request payload should be Base64 encoded bytes. If you want to pass raw text without encoding it you can do so with the raw_text parameter.
E0202No audio signal could be inferred from the media provided. This error indicates that audio models were configured, but the media provided could not be parsed into a valid audio file.
E0203Your audio file was too long. The limit is 5000 milliseconds. The WebSocket endpoints are intended for near real-time processing of data streams. For larger files considering using the Hume Measurement API REST endpoints.
E0204Your video file was too long. For best performance we recommend passing individual frames of video as images rather than full video files.
E0205Your image file was too large. The limit is 3,000 x 3,000 pixels. The WebSocket endpoints are intended for near real-time processing of data streams. For larger files considering using the Hume Measurement API REST endpoints.
E0206Your text file was too long. The limit is 10,000 characters. The WebSocket endpoints are intended for near real-time processing of data streams. For larger files considering using the Hume Measurement API REST endpoints.
E0207The URL you’ve provided appears to be incorrect. Please verify that you’ve entered the correct URL and try submitting it again. If you’re copying and pasting, ensure that the entire URL has been copied without any missing characters.
E0300You’ve run out of credits. Go to to purchase more.
E0400You’ve referenced a resource that doesn’t exist in our system. Please check if the name or identifier you used is correct and try again.
E0401Your upload failed. Please ensure your file meets our format and size requirements, and attempt to upload it again.
E0402The CSV file you used to create or update a dataset is missing a header row. The header specifies what each column represents. Update your CSV file and retry your request. For more information about how to format your dataset CSV please see our tutorial on dataset creation.
E0500Your dataset doesn’t meet the minimum sample size requirement. Please add more files to your dataset and resubmit your training job. For more information, please see our docs on dataset requirements.
E0501Your dataset contains a target column with empty values. Please clean your dataset so that all labels are valid categorical or numeric values and then resubmit your training job. For more information on target columns please see our docs on dataset requirements.
E0502Your dataset contains a target column with infinite values. Please clean your dataset so that all labels are valid categorical or numeric values and then resubmit your training job. For more information on target columns please see our tutorial on dataset creation.
E0503For classification tasks, your dataset must include at least two distinct classes. Please check your dataset has two unique labels in the target column.
E0504Some classes in your dataset don’t have enough samples. To ensure that the model we produce is of the highest quality we require your dataset to be relatively balanced across classes. Please check the error message for which class should have more samples (or remove that class entirely). Please see our docs on dataset requirements for more details.
E0505The target column you’ve selected doesn’t exist in the dataset. Please review the columns that exist in your dataset and select a valid column name.
E0506Your chosen target column is not a valid target column. Please ensure that you select a column with labels rather than the file_id column or another reserved column name.

The connection will be closed automatically after ten identical configuration errors to avoid unintended looping.

Service errors

If you encounter an error code starting with I (for example, error code I0100), it indicates an outage or a bug in a Hume service. Our team will already have been alerted of the internal error, but if you need immediate assistance please reach out to our support team.


Warnings indicate that the payload was configured correctly, but no results could be returned.

Error CodeDescription
W0101No vocal bursts could be detected in the media.
W0102No face meshes could be detected in the media.
W0103No faces could be detected in the media.
W0104No emotional language could be detected in the media.
W0105No speech could be detected in the media.

Common errors

Some errors will not have an associated error code, but are documented here.

Transcript confidence below threshold value

This error indicates that our transcription service had difficulty identifying the language spoken in your audio file or the quality was too low. We prioritize quality and accuracy, so if it cannot transcribe with confidence, our models won’t be able to process it further.

By default, we use an automated language detection method for our Speech Prosody, Language, and NER models. However, if you know what language is being spoken in your media samples, you can specify it via its BCP-47 tag and potentially obtain more accurate results.

If you see the message above there are few steps you can do to resolve the issue:

  • Verify we support the language
  • Ensure you are providing clear, high-quality audio files.
  • Specify the language within your request if you know the language in the audio.
1from hume import HumeBatchClient
2from hume.models.config import ProsodyConfig
4client = HumeBatchClient("<YOUR API KEY>")
5urls = [""]
6model_configs = [ProsodyConfig()]
7transcription_config = TranscriptionConfig(language="en")
8job = client.submit_job(urls, model_configs, transcription_config=transcription_config)
14predictions = job.get_predictions()

You can specify any of the following: zh, da, nl, en, en-AU, en-IN, en-NZ, en-GB, fr, fr-CA, de, hi, hi-Latn, id, it, ja, ko, no, pl, pt, pt-BR, pt-PT, ru, es, es-419, sv, ta, tr, or uk