

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy governs how we collect and use personal information submitted to our products.

Zero Data Retention and Data Usage Options

Hume AI is HIPAA compliant, with features to enhance user privacy and data control. Our portal currently supports enabling/disabling these features in the user’s profile page.

Zero Data Retention

  • This feature allows users to turn off the storage of all chat histories (transcripts) or voice recordings for the EVI API. Other metadata such as API usage information will still be stored.

Opt-Out of Data Being Used for Training

  • By default, anonymized data from user interactions with the EVI API is used to improve our models. Users can toggle this option to prevent their data from being used for training purposes.

Note: These features are disabled by default. Users have to explicitly opt out.

Privacy settings in the user profile

To enable or disable these options

  1. Log into your Hume AI account.
  2. Navigate to your Profile page by clicking on the profile icon on the sidebar.
  3. Scroll down to the Privacy section where you will see the options for “Do not retain data” and “Do not use for training.”
  4. Toggle the switches next to these options to enable or disable them according to your preference.
  5. Click on ‘Save changes’ to apply your settings.

API Data Usage Policy

Our API Data Usage Policy details how and when we store API data.

Consumer Services FAQ

Our Consumer Services FAQ explains how and when we store data processed by our frontend applications like our Playground.