We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions from our developer community. If your question isn’t listed, we invite you to join the discussion on our Discord .
What language model does EVI use?
How can I use my own API key for the LLM provider?
Does my choice of supplemental LLM affect EVI's pricing?
What do EVI's expression labels and measures mean?
Why is prosody (tone-of-voice) measured at the sentence level?
Are there plans to add more voices?
How does Hume’s eLLM work?
Why is EVI so much faster than other LLMs?
How does EVI 2 work with supplemental language models?
Which LLM-specific features are supported with supplemental models?
Which supplemental LLM for EVI has the lowest latency?
How does Hume’s eLLM work?
Which supplemental LLM for EVI has the lowest latency?
Is it possible to pause EVI responses within a chat?
Does EVI support resuming chats?
Can I access the audio of previous conversations with EVI?
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