List jobs


Sort and filter jobs.

Query parameters

limitintegerOptionalDefaults to 50

The maximum number of jobs to include in the response.


Include only jobs of this status in the response. There are four possible statuses:

  • QUEUED: The job has been received and is waiting to be processed.

  • IN_PROGRESS: The job is currently being processed.

  • COMPLETED: The job has finished processing.

  • FAILED: The job encountered an error and could not be completed successfully.


Specify whether to include jobs created before or after a given timestamp_ms.

Allowed values: created_beforecreated_after
timestamp_mslongOptionalDefaults to 1704319392247

Provide a timestamp in milliseconds to filter jobs.

When combined with the when parameter, you can filter jobs before or after the given timestamp. Defaults to the current Unix timestamp if one is not provided.


Specify which timestamp to sort the jobs by.

  • created: Sort jobs by the time of creation, indicated by created_timestamp_ms.

  • started: Sort jobs by the time processing started, indicated by started_timestamp_ms.

  • ended: Sort jobs by the time processing ended, indicated by ended_timestamp_ms.

Allowed values: createdstartedended

Specify the order in which to sort the jobs. Defaults to descending order.

  • asc: Sort in ascending order (chronological, with the oldest records first).

  • desc: Sort in descending order (reverse-chronological, with the newest records first).

Allowed values: ascdesc


job_idstringformat: "uuid"

The ID associated with this job.


The request that initiated the job.


The current state of the job.


Denotes the job type.

Jobs created with the Expression Measurement API will have this field set to INFERENCE.

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