List tools


Fetches a paginated list of Tools.

Refer to our tool use guide for comprehensive instructions on defining and integrating tools into EVI.

Query parameters


Specifies the page number to retrieve, enabling pagination.

This parameter uses zero-based indexing. For example, setting page_number to 0 retrieves the first page of results (items 0-9 if page_size is 10), setting page_number to 1 retrieves the second page (items 10-19), and so on. Defaults to 0, which retrieves the first page.


Specifies the maximum number of results to include per page, enabling pagination. The value must be between 1 and 100, inclusive.

For example, if page_size is set to 10, each page will include up to 10 items. Defaults to 10.


By default, restrict_to_most_recent is set to true, returning only the latest version of each tool. To include all versions of each tool in the list, set restrict_to_most_recent to false.


Filter to only include tools with this name.




The page number of the returned list.

This value corresponds to the page_number parameter specified in the request. Pagination uses zero-based indexing.


The maximum number of items returned per page.

This value corresponds to the page_size parameter specified in the request.


The total number of pages in the collection.

tools_pagelist of optional objects

List of tools returned for the specified page_number and page_size.